Friday, January 28, 2011


Part of healing is expressing the full range of your emotions & thoughts then finding some solace in it, please share a poem if you want!

Future Reflections
All for peoples protections
it shall be beautiful as a water hyacinthe that's blue
bring out the best in you
with peppers, salsa, oranges we'll have spice, salt & sour
a range of things as tea is the key for blooming as a flower
immortal as a rose you partake of that I give
for you I wish to always live
& share with all good foods for great memories & moods, our awesome minds like silver sieves

1 comment:

  1. Thoughts descend, drift and sway,
    Sometimes linger, sometimes stay.
    Frozen in form, but not in time
    As they make the downward climb.

    I pause, they hover, show me grace
    As their ritual spins at a whirlwind's pace.
    I stand in their midst as they float through the trees,
    Watching stars fall with lightness and ease.
