The lucious garden poured forth strawberries in late spring and lustrous poppies that lightened all in the community that saw them. Many children enjoyed gathering each weekend for a picnic & to share in the coming excitement of the full growth of summer. Radical radishes grew rampant & were ravished when Ka whipped up a salad with young glowing green onion & Ja's favorite sauce, sour cream. In the garden there seemed to be too much growing to comprehend, not only the sparkling weeds like clover yet the scarlet beans,cilantro,ginger,garlic,beats,romaine lettuce,sunflowers, zuchini, cucumbers,carrots,artichoke,blueberries,rosemary,thyme & of course rhubarb for a wondrous pie. The berries through all the bike & walkways were picked & most eaten fresh, some changed to alcohol & many in the family of Ka & Ja like baby Ba even enjoyed it a bit. Everything growing in harmony as the waters rained often in the cool rainforest & the sun shone most of the day. All this brought lots of people to look as passing the great Cedar Grove inspiring them to live more in tune with nature as the green oxygen of the near forest filled them with life. When the October gathering occurred just before halloween, some people drawing while others danced & merrily ate with music of a great harvest. Roses were still out for picking as everyone at the semi-potluck made piles of leaves of all kinds to roll in & for Ka & Ja so much joy was brought as they grooved on the yellow leaves as if it were soft rays of the sun electrifying their bodies soothingly. When Ka had many things stored for winter as the natives of the land before did only this time with jarred green golden apples from the grove, grape jam among many others including strawberry with a sour agent & thickener they were satisfied the winter even though chilling cold at work & the frost felt creeping. Later as the 1st snowfall landed a big bonfire was made with many of the dead branch tips of trees in the grove & more revelry happened there with friends uniting with smiles, creamy foods like hummus packed of lemon & stories of trial & happiness. Even running all through the icicled months there were advanced greenhouses using a sort of hydrogen-nickel fusion technology that produced excess of free energy that powered the lights to have lemons & oranges among exotic fruit like pineapple growing year round that put a grin on Ka’s face whenever he went in this effulgent room. The light is so bright that they decided to cover with light plastics of red & green color keeping with the spirit of the season. The pine tree’s pollen was collected for it’s superior nutrition quality with minerals as zinc that help the body detox, keep skin healthy & sex organs functioning. The needles of the tree were chopped & used in teas that were very sweet tasting as elements as rooibos & orange added to make a immune-boosting beverage. The cold fusion technology as used in the community’s garden also is in mass production for each home at a price of 1000 yet cuts nearly all the energy costs of living as long as excessive use of heaters, air conditioning, stoves etc are used. In this future world fruit trees are planted by government workers & things like parking tolling vanished to dust as smaller vehicles & more people become wise & biking happens more often. Along with this houses are built more out of necessity & the price difference only reaches extreme differences of about 3 to 1 & equality reigns as people are payed only a difference of 3 to 1, even CEOs & this brings balance in everyone’s spending & forces people to be patient & cooperative most the time rather than competitive. Also usury is abolished from central banks that forces them to make wiser decisions as paying for good things as clean cared for organic foods rather than Monsanto’s GMO corn & military waste. Ka & Ja just love & enjoy to create more art sharing pictures of humble lions & children as Ja helps kids with learning & art in a creative art center where anything is shared & traded. Being open this loved world is building naturally as a spiral of life like the kundalini charging all the chakras as the healing sex energy grew intense as an intimate kiss is shared with thoughts of new things as camping deep in a forest to try & grow with as they felt all unite with blissful intent.
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