Chemtrails, tails solely for intoxication in a net high in the sky. But this is no public pie for the stakes for his village were raised as a climber reaching a sheer. The fear was felt deep often as the Sun was blotted out and Ka thought about exactly if people were inhaling the miasma. He always had heard as a kid that asthma and allergies year round was a normal thing but he started making some startling revelations that weren't to be reveled in. The main one that the entire society had been poisoned by many drag nets. The dragons of each city feeding off the chi as they sucked the energy into their dark vortexes. Putting their hexes on corporations as Walmart(Sea-mart) and Israel told the magic ritual being performed over the masses. The overseers often played jokes like 9/11 and sat back for a chuckle. Ka started living with nature, one day walking into a forest with scene so green and the perfuming oxygen revamping his faith in humanity. For there would always be fruit to feed off, something good to harness. Picking pine shoots felt and smelt divine, the sticky sap melded sweetly to his palm and he was calm thinking of the tea that would sustain his love. This is what he sought just as much as his powerful anger, the destructive force but he never went so far so people divorce, but hopefully in the end rejoice! Often he had to raise his voice to get attention about drastic things that were changing in the elite controlled warring world: chemtrails being sprayed and towers perverted from Tesla's coils turning the horde into zombies, the electrics spread like a plague, it started with the cell(prison) phone even though that was made pre-WW2. There were many problems that he found hard to tell people for it was too critical for the individual to feel responsible, burning away their previous ideas of belonging; pride etc that a Catholic may say is sin. As a tau he tried to see thee in three, 2 polarities then an inner or center portal, maybe to Shangrila or Agartha or the Van Allen's radiation belt via the heart or pineal gland. It was without doubt that the corrupt military were spraying chemicals to dull the mind, especially the pineal gland. As Hitler did with the NAZIs Ka thought as he was never taught in school. Such a fool at first he was but as gaining wisdom he came into his power, which scared the elite priestclass that derived their control by illusions, symbols as the 13 layered pyramid on the American $ bill. Many ills those notes brought, even though they were as fake as the Wizard of OZ, so he was driven to reverse the spell, send it to Hell while he built something new. A holographic foundation based on the law of attraction, barter, local trade, teach about herbs instead of drugs, small community...not the global village. The Aryan Windsors, Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellars, DeVeres, Gardners, Gores, Bushes, Carnegies etc that are reptilian and from Ares-Mars were pushing. Mars was the son of Zeus, which if tracked back is found to be the god Enlil, Lord-wind. The reptilian Alpha Draconians being swift, deceptive, and possessing as they are demons the hierarchy knew no end to their empire throughout the galaxy. Dominating the female even though having it in their superior androgynous bodies, but not all for there were 7 main species to their society. All secret, separate that is, away into 7 domes on Venus, perhaps a presage for what is the come on Earth and this motivated the Ka, light or spirit in Ka for he saw the bright light of Ra. Sometimes in dreams, quite chaotic and exotic in spurious situations skateboarded as done in past years but some were on a different plane with an elongated year, a different sense of time, sometimes slowing to a low vibration, floating or boating on a ship of some she that would take them to a flue shooting up through the blue. Space they were, Ka and Ba, one at night, the other imagining during the day. Ba was a disciple of Jehovah but the feminine version, her own personal cult started not to accrue credits though. Living in Siberia she often found it hard to keep with the dictated criteria, looking for escapes here and there with her magic imaginative cape! Stepping into the community garden she started to feel revived, her body often battered as a drum, too much noise going on around. She needed her peaceful experiences just as she did to create art that in hopes would enlighten those around, not just confound. For the first time she picked some weeds and smelling them she eyed the dandelion with a slug and said to herself why not and started chomping at the leaf, bit by bit and swallowed valiantly. The sour juices jolted her as a bolt from Zeus, possessed into a new energetic state she urged her body to do more. She departed to the seed store and looked at the rows of herbs or simple growing veggies as kale. Then trekking to a nearby mountain she knew there would be some sticky clay, as a child which she always loved to play in. Molding things to her whim she invented as dinosaur figurines or even once a rose she thought of a genius idea that could revolutionize the world, which she knew could spiral into evolution. This thought was of seed bombing, just as she'd seen fireworks before, she thought what a waste that is, like the star flowers in the Dawn of the Dead! Instead of the smelly aftertaste of the sulfur why not just put parsley seeds in a clay pod and toss them where the soil is fertile. She started a small cell of terrorists, at least what the state would consider them, to distribute these for the benefit of all. For this wise pact knew the power of the mind and how the outer is simply a reflection of the inner, as above so below as the Knights Templar motto was. Many paranoid people around her nagged and sagged her with their deriding questions, but Ba pushed on. She had high hopes in meeting the man of her dreams along the way, the law of attraction was what she kept in mind in all her encounters. Bringing the beauty out of people she aspired to create more things of high vibration, which drew her to children, so much beaming love in their eyes! Not to mention wonderment of the world, as the scent of rooibus or peppertmint tea evoked. Provoking her to step outside the boundary so continued throughout all the land of Rus to expand the seeds she planted, sing for absolution deep in her soul. Meanwhile there was a deceptive, sinister character known as Obama, whose real name was Ra, the Sun god just as the man-king Akhenaten was, eye of the lord Aten, Ra knew from birth he was a clone, but those with high IQ easily act. As a chameleon with his persona he made rounds around Gaia, planting sour seeds in the minds of millions, announced on BBC as the president of the world. Ka found out that he was going to make an appearance in Canada, it was 3 years after the inauguration of the lord of America, merica meaning Lucifer as Mercury, the god of language. Ka knew Mercury was a sly god as were Hermes, Thoth and Enoch, having ascended abilities to teleport, use telepathy and other things that he wanted, which were bread out of the human race when the reptilian Dracos made a covenant with the Pleiadians and Sirian ETs! To genetically engineer a slave race as described in the Genesis passage of the Bible where the Elohim(plural) said, "come, let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Or the Book of Jasher, where chimeras are described as are the reptilian Levites, hooded vipers like Thomas Jefferson said of the British elites, "a den of Vipers". Ra was secretly one of the bluebloods, for they were of every stripe and color. On utube Ka exposed the dark light the Luciferians were bringing about via Blackberries, TVs, and the dreaded iPods, 9-pods, the final Satanic creation the pigs were projecting before they projectile to the Moon and Mars. For there was much technology that was hidden as the water car Stanley Meyer was murdered over so Ka felt as obligated as a freemason to free the human race, put fire in their minds to make a new system. Not just the sewage one that the peasants currently dwelt in. With free-energy there would be endless possibility, no scarcity, much time for connection and expression. With every second of his time he chased his desire, one of them being getting with an exotic woman halfway around the world, the idea of shooting for the stars or Lunatic Moon excelling him yet disillusioning of corrupt military-industrial-complex companies as NASA, the lofty one or president of the Sanhedrin, or the DOD, such a dud or a stud to stop people's true potential. As the king Urukagina of Elamites or Hammurabi usurped the unjust rule of the ET rulers of Babylon, Ka propelled as an antigravity helicopter, as seen in Abydos Egypt. Shut away in the sands of time so much ancient technology, as was sound devices used to levitate hundred tonne blocks to build the Giza pyramids, or thousand tonne stones at Baalbek Lebanon. The temple of Jehovah, Jupiter or Zeus being built on top of the ancient space port of Anu. All these thoughts swirled in his mind as he extrapolated to the future and how his only path to salvation is to enlighten others and perfect the self. As an elf in old lore, the days before yore from frigid Iceland to rigid Middle Earth. El being the lord of the rings as Saturn, the controlling planet of the solar system having a hex at the north pole, as is the Moon, for like a giant balloon the Draconians brought it from Ursa Minor after hollowing a satellite and installing something 3 times the strength of titanium, more powerful than the Titans of Atlantis, aka rogue Pleiadians, devious aliens from the distant past, now trying to make up for their sins. All this in mind he could only set his will against the dark destroyer, Set aka Satan, the personification of the old serpents. All these torturous, treacherous thoughts further drove Ka insane to most, but he felt they were robo-sapiens, as robot means slave. People using other golems made by the priestclass, the Goyim were like locusts upon the land. The only thing he could take solace in was health, healing with oregano as colds sucked the life-force of kids, baby goats...the ones to be sacrificed as was done to gods like Moloch in Caanan or babies in the in the Bohemian Grove, as ruthless as a Rothschild in an underground base, their Abyssal abode. They weren't even like a frog prince, only an ugly toad, that parasite off the sheep, sheered them to no end to establish Waddedson Manors, for they indulged themselves as the ultimate planners. Promoting plastics toxic to the body as BPA, Ka saw an Aquafina in a cubed machine one day when walking and whispered no way. Even though he thought glass sounded crass as did as ass he knew it was the right thing, taken from the Earth and melted, still living harmoniously with the womb, preventing it from becoming a tomb like the monument of king Mausolus. Just as despicable as the remains of Lenin in Moscow, the powers that be were infatuated with death, as the Bushes in the Skull & Bones! Their motto being deception, death and domination, not very appealing to the profane. William Buckley, the head of Janus mind control, similar to MK-Ultra the CIA did he was fully aware of his reptilian side, which he could not always hide like Mr. Hyde. Ra made his way to Vancouver, the city named after the Freemason George Vancouver, one of his brethren as Barack was a Prince Hall Mason. His intention: divide & conquer the people by the base differences of worldliness to individualism, he and his Czars building a prison as the Soviets of Russia. Or the Romanov Tsars or Kaisers of Prussia Ka was headstrong to expose the pretenders, at the rally witnessing all the people tally, just doing a dilly-dally. Their victim mentalities and follower mindset pulling him into the morass he stood up tall on the corner of the locked down boulevard as Ra rode in the Beast. Ka shouted, “here comes the forked tongue deceiver”! Nothing but a long-legged mack daddy pimp Obama is. Not to mention at least bisexual according to the Globe magazine as Larry Sinclair was one of his bum/limo buds, giving bjs as Barack got high on crack! To most his words seem as an attack but soon the gathered people saw Ka spoke liberation demanding there be no cataloging of every baby’s blood at birth and the fascist world government being noting but carbon trade tyranny along with microchip enslavement. Not to mention vaccines, a vampiric needle of his tortured past, the mercury not being one bit as enlightening or elucidating as Thoth err Mercury. Thinking of all the children getting shot with the heavy metals in the inoculations like aluminum Ka spouted that they were just tools of destruction and retardation. More incentive for bigger government, for if people ate acai berries, parsley, lemons and cilantro they would know there is no need for the majority of hospitals and doctors, the corrupt pharma cartels just as dirty as cigarettes or war. The private contractor Xe, formerly Blackwater, bringing up thoughts of the Scientologist’s Xenu or a company from a comic. Maybe by Marvel, which was bought by Disney, the Hollywood cult with Beastly 666 sign, the Qlippoth, dark side to the tree of life in Kabala, merged with man symbolized by the regenerative 6! Ka randomly rambled on as a New Day Dawned, the Annunaki sun king, some would call an antichrist, stepped on the stage, staggering the people walking down disparate paths! But Ka’s resistant voice seeped into the the brains of those around as healthy bacteria in the gut. It began with 2 then 5 but soon a platoon of peeps were questioning Ra’s rule and so-called healthcare agenda. Disruption and a beautiful non-compliant riot ensued; the resolution for the converts was to live a more natural life, not fearing any of the brambles in the bushes anymore, no more barriers needed, just like fences. What a world it would be if people shared more. As a spore spreading fast so everyone would last they started to dream, manifest what they knew would be best. Ra and his evil deeds would definitely make his associates hide in a DUMB(deep underground military base) like that of the Denver International New World Airport or go to terraformed Mars! Puffing all their chests out like Popeyes, woops that was a subliminal for Pope-yes as Ka saw, he thought of the fish god Dagon and how the NAZI pope Ratzinger wore a mitre hat representing Mithra or the merfolk known as Sirians, very serious in their tasks they are! As were the Mormons in the Mountain Meadows Massacre, 9/11, 1857 where they disguised as natives with telepathic feathers to wreak the voyage of hundreds going from Arkansas to Cali. New recruits gave Ka magnificent confidence in crushing the tyranny of the few or those who designed the Catholic pew. Also his close yet far companion Ba explained the concept of seed bombing and the sparks already flew in Ka’s temple. All the opportunity just outside his door, then he heard someone mowing the lawn of his condo and thought why the hell does he get paid for that? Suppressing the beauty of nature should only be allowed to grow, put on a grandiloquent show! Also Ka networked with people on the net, getting & giving herb advice and products out before more restrictions from Codex Alimentarious came into effect, then it was every man for himself picking blackberries and dandelions. Smoking essential oils or incents also smoothed out his drawings of herbs as did the inspiration of Ba’s, both of their art spreading love and abundance just like the teet of Hathor, the cow/horned goddess of Egypt. He finally decided to depart to Russia, help Ba’s situation and expose Putin and Medvedev as Freemasons or blueblood fools. Flying in the aircraft he thought of all the UFO videos he’d seen and how much better things would be if the military promoted growing food and faster transportation instead of gun & bombs, such a waste the leaders were, just as most with their garbage, always an excess that became grotesque. Thinking of the Waste Management company and their logo of the W-66 sign combined with the golden M or double arches the Knights Templar & Freemasons used as does McDonalds he knew it was part of the Qlippoth-shells or Hell. Arriving in Russia and seeing the more downtrodden situation most were put in from the draconian communism that was foisted on the people decades ago he at least tried to uplift with smiles and laughs, never was there too much of this even as 9/11-the Luciferian ritual of skipping the godhead Yod. Odd he felt in Moscow ‘til he met Ba and hugged her long, she felt as if being cuddled by King Kong. Ba only felt in her heart that Ka’s love was so strong. Soon she introduced her family and their preconceived notions were swept away as Ka projected good even through blue eyes, as any man should. Ba toured Ka around the local groves and gardens, showing the seeds that were springing up: fennel, mint and cabbage included! Even radishes and some potatoes of borscht were sprouting their leaves. Knowing the overgrowth was going grand they decided one rainy night to take a stroll. On up a rushing river they walked beside, each hiding a surprise for each other as they loved to do with their art. They made a way to the misty waterfall, close by were evergreens oh so tall. Boosting her up they climbed up near the top where they were a couple meters form where the water dropped, still droplets spattering and cooling their steaming bodies. They then exchanged what they’d been hiding, Ka a pink rose and Ba a jasmine flower, each took a gander with their noses as then they felt as they rose up the spire-like tree as the couple nuzzled close, touching lips at last they were at the top of their mast. Lost in the moment after a few minutes of intimate touch was past lights beamed in the sky, shocking Ba but not Ka. For he knew Project Bluebeam, ie the staged alien invasion with false saviors was planned. As layed out in the Bible as the second coming of Christ, Ka calmed Ba until they were singing falala deep into the dark night. An angel then appeared as the stepped down the alms of the pine, so fine the features of the Andromeden blue ETs were, both were allured and then giving a gift that was a powerful crystal, one sapphire and one amethyst. The ET then telepathically said the blue is for Ka to use as telepathy and purple to teleport for Ba. Winking back to their ship after a caring smile it put us in awe. For we knew Earth was still a place with a lot more than blah! Holding the blue stone Ka felt the infusing power like a runestone in Kensington America of the Teutonic Knights. Ka passed a thought of Ba coming to me(the culture passed to the people by Sumerian gods) and we instantly embraced again, knowing there would be no more pain. We then departed across the land, no need of too much technology for the power was in our hands. Dropping $ for the needy here and taking a little from the rich we worked to make for an equal money system. Something fair and just and healed all in the Motherland as a start, our intention working miracles as we gave food, sabotaged TVs & stations as it was the opposite of brain food! Once most were on good paths, in no more need for maths we went to Venice, experience the side of Venus, love instead of war, all throughout the weeks, many boats we hitched or snuck onto, just for a refreshing row, seeing sights of domes symbolizing tits or domination made them laugh Ka’s head feeling high as a giraffe as his dream was fulfilled, now they were more than thrilled! Yet there was one more bolt from the blue that popped into Ka’s mind, which came from the sapphire crystal who said meld the 2 rocks together so as Ka & Ba were standing on a balcony later that night Ka showed Ba another surprise, getting her to close her eyes then worked magic, a sizzling crackle was heard that startled after Ba felt Ka put his hand down her pocket, the atmosphere electric and Ba had to see what was happening so peering out into the night sky she saw Ka riding on a broomstick! Also she saw tulips, roses and jasmine flowers raining to the ancient city, a sure wicked surprise for the residents in the morning! Then he swerved back near the balcony and shot the crystal a league into the sky and Ba exclaimed, “How?!?” Then Ka said he was told by the crystal that if fused it would have the power to create anything imaginable, just with good intent and imagination. Rain began sputtering all over then but it was warm as in mid-summer and the fragrance in the air made Ba sigh in contentment. Ka pulled her in and gave her a kiss on the forehead, no need for a crystal there! But Ba wanted one more thing, something she’d always dreamed of as a wee gal that was a crystal castle with a magnanimous garden to feed any who pleased! So with a bit of talking and kissing they started to make a castle in the sky. Brighter than the Dawn of Aquarius rays of light ignited the sky and some awoke to see what was occurring. The size of the benevolent redoubt was building, Ba showing Ka how to make the castle as if painting a canvas or drawing a red rose. Her love and touch making Ka tremble a bit of first, fumbling with the castle walls but then perfection was near achieved! Ba put the finishing touches on the inside court, garden and grove of peach. Not to mention mango was later picked as they floated around Venice raising all on looking hearts and a waterfall was manifested which they went off of with no clothes, for they had no fear, saw everything as a mirror. A day following the paradise came a strike of an ICBM but the crystal had a mind of its own and anything that got in its vicinity bent to its good will, so the missile blew up as a lime green heart and turned ruddy as it fell to Earth. This made Ka & Ba smile once at last for they knew even militaries were powerless in the world too. The only news later was that people were loving and living more congruous with nature, the hybrid Rockefellars, Mendelsons, Mugabes etc were turned to toads and they all ribbited happily ever after!
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